Deep Learning

Machine Learning – Configuring our Linux (Debian) environment

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to configure your Debian environment to start developing machine learning.

We are going to install miniconda which is a package manager who helps us create virtual environments and download the package necessary.

debina.PNGIn my VirtualBox machine, I installed Debian Jessie amd64.

First, install miniconda.

To install miniconda you will need to go to and download the 64 bits bash installer for Linux.

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How to notified user when Wifi Network Connection is lost or is has low signal strenght on Android

I am developing an application wich has a strong relation with the network. It has to be connected with a strong wifi signal. I got the experience once when I developed an application it was rejected by the users because it also had a strong relation with the network, but the wifi network didn´t work very well, so the users blamed the application and they drop it out.

Now I will develop a new application and I want to prevent to this happens again.

When you finish this tutorial you are going to be able to notify the user when internet network is lost, when it is very slow, when it is connected and when it is connected to a forbidden network (for those people who creates news SSID for each application so you can monitor the application)

Connection to Slow!


No Wifi Connection. Please connect to a wifi network! Airplane Mode!


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